Harry is now done. Earrings, belt with gold buckle, pirate hat and eye patch are all done. He's so cute, i just love him. I want to keep him with me, but Z likes to play with him, so I'll give him up. Not bad for a first knitting project.

Now i'm off to knit a sweater for Cathy, the little pink teddy bear of my 7 year old. This new hobby is very fun, and easy to do while listening to the radio, books on tape, and sitting by the fire. It's especially easy now that my wonderful mom gave me her whole stash of yarn that she's acquired over the years. I'm in fibre heaven!!
1 people who wanted to chat:
hi!!! You won the book on the GF blog!!!! Email me when you get a moment and we can get it sent to you right away!!!
Liz from kill.the.gluten
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